Mar 15, 2009


Opening of another post with an appropriate title with some random thoughts:

Bin Laden
  • Osama Bin Laden has released another video. In future he would be famous for releasing video tapes and messages on websites no one knows about except FBI. And we hear about it on CNN.

Long March

  • Political drama will end on a settlement that has already been made. Drama and Long March is staged for public now.
  • In this drama, government ensured that all its allies get benefit from this situation, so Geo Tv was banned.
  • People are madly blogging about it. twitter updates, sms, live chats etc, these pi#¤&% up bloggers don't have courage to come out on the roads, rather they just chant slogans "Rule of Law, Rule of Law". They can't bear any criticism, they reject it and avoid the truth. Folks, don't talk rubbish, act like a man despite typing ,twittering and approving selected comments. People with dual faces. You can visit Teeth Maestro. Google it if you wish, i don't want to link him here.

Universal Healers

  • All the crap that we used to see on mIRC and in Pakistani rooms of yahoo chat has shifted to blogs in recent years. This place is quite a mess now. We have many universal healers around who act the same way people do on IRC chat: Hi asl? 26/m/lhr, ok bye. By now, you might have known what type of crap that is.
  • It is interesting that just like professional beggars, these universal healers are seen only in a fixed circle of bloggers and they don't cross boundaries. Sometimes they act like a jester to cheer up the writer, or they practice cheap psychotherapy techniques learned from traditional jokes, stories and friends. They always assure the desperate writer: Apnay App Per Yaqeen Karin. App Kisi say Kam Nahi. But their hidden message is : Mayra Bhi Yaqeen Karo Salma. Search mera jehan + wordpress, you will find one such example.
  • It is very interesting that those Universal Healers don't talk to other healers or other guys. They are never seen on their blogs as well.
  • They are universally accepted and welcomed after the elapse of a certain period in which they are ignored by the blog owner, but frequent visits and comments pay off in the end, and their nick gradually becomes familiar for regular visitors of a certain blog.
  • In essence, they are real fuel of blogging. Blogs would not get any comments or traffic without them and his whole industry will come to an halt.

Aunty Agony Ka Blog

  • Three months ago i found the blog of Aunty Agony Every other story on her blog is a love affair of a boy and a girl and she concludes every post with her pea sized brain. (She must be thankful to me for i haven't written pea with double e here)
  • She is afraid that every other woman in this world is after her husband. And after every certain incident, her husband assures her, "There is nothing like that honey!" And her comments for readers go something like : "Yes, with my influence on him so strong, how could it be.
  • Her post are more like a Teen Aurtain - Teen Kahaneyaan than anything else. She should change the title of her blog to Aik Aurat - Bohat Sari Kahaniyan

Miss 'Future of Blogging in Pakistan'

  • Another interesting character who sends a questionnaire to bloggers and asks them to pen down their personal experiences about blogging. Now the real funny aspect is that even after so many years of blogging in Pakistan, she asks a question : What is the future of Blogging in Pakistan?
  • Miss FoBiP, blogging isn't a new thing in today's internet era. If it's your lack of ability to devise a new questionnaire contact the person who wrote you the first one, he would do it for the second time as well. If he/she refuses, then just look for some other universal helpers. They can provide a new question paper. Forget this future veeuture stuff. Think about Long March, Judiciary and Rule of Law.

'He He' Blogger

  • I doubt hehe had some psychological problems or hehe had been playing gudda guddi ka khel in his childhood. You would have met him somewhere. His comments are short, start like: he he, and he just tries to mark his presence only. he he.
  • 'He He Blogger' apna Paygham Daytay hain: 'Naqaloon Say Hoshyaar - Comment Perhanay say Pehlay Mayra Signature Zaroor Perh Lain, He He' If you haven't met him yet, i am sure very soon you will.


Anonymous said...


says shukar kay mera zikar nahi :P

gh said...

You were in luck.